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Google Ads & PPC

[2023] How to Set Up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) With Google Tag Manager

In this video I show you the easiest way to set up Google Analytics 4 (GA) using Google Tag Manager.

We all know that GA4 is not easy to use by any means when you are just starting out, but I will solve that for you in this video.

Go here for the next step of how to set up conversion tracking on Google Analytics 4.

Google Analytics:

Google Tag Manager:

For my tutorial on setting up conversion tracking, go here:

Online Marketing Tips SEO Website Tips

How to Use Chat GPT AI to Copywrite Amazing SEO Content For Your Website That Sells

In this video I show you the exact process I use to write SEO content with Chat GPT which not only sells but also ranks on Google.

You do NOT want to just copy and paste content from Chat GPT.

I will show you how to use Chat GPT to structure your content and write the foundation, which you can then use to write a great piece of copy which will work for search engine optimization.

Link to document from the video:

Website Tips

The BEST Way to Setup a WordPress Website In 2023

In this video I show you the exact process I use to set up WordPress websites.

This method is going to allow you to set up a WordPress website with minimal to no coding required (depending on your needs).

I will show you exactly what plugins to use and how to set up a child theme so that your website does not break when the next WordPress update happens.

Link to document from the video:


SEO: How to Write a Good H1 Headline (Tag) That Ranks & Sells

If you want your website to rank, one thing you can’t ignore is the H1 Headline, also known at the H1 Tag.

H1 headlines are the main headlines on a page and are formatted as <h1> in the HTML code (thus the name H1 headline).

H1 headlines are an interesting thing because with them, you have to balance 2 things:

  1. You have to pay attention to how Google is going to see it for SEO reasons
  2. You have to pay attention to how people who read it are going to see it, so that you can actually get them to continue reading the page and then eventually contact you or buy from you.

H1 Headlines For SEO

Now, the H1 headline is one of 3 pillars of SEO that I spoke about in my other post. It’s one of the most important things on your whole website for SEO, because Google sees it as the most relevant text on your page.

It’s going to look at the keywords in the H1 headline to determine what the actual page is about.

The first rule is that every single page on your website needs to have a unique H1 headline. DO NOT copy and paste them from one page to another – That’s just going to harm your SEO.

When you’re writing the H1 headline, you want to make sure that it contains the main keywords you want that page to rank for.

If it’s a blog post, and you want for a question keyword, you want to make that phrase the H1 headline. The main thing here is to get the keywords in the headline, but the headline still needs to be readable.

H1 Headlines for Selling

So while the SEO aspect is that you have to get the keywords in the H1 headline, the human aspect is that real people are the ones reading it and it needs to convince them to keep reading.

Also, Google’s algorithm is smart enough to know if the headline is just being stuffed with keywords, or if it’s actually a readable, real H1 headline. So keep that in mind.

Real people are reading this headline, and it’s the first text they’re going to see on the website. So you have to convince them with that headline to keep reading, otherwise, they’ll just leave the page.

This is one of the biggest reasons why you don’t want to just stuff keywords in it. People will just leave, your bounce rate is going to be high, and Google is going to know something is wrong, and they will drop your website.

So you need to use the H1 headline to convince people to keep reading. So how do you do that?

Well, the main way to do that is to give them exactly what they’re looking for.

If you’re running ads, they’re for a particular keyword, and the ad contains a particular keyword, you want to use that same keyword in the headline.

For example, if the ad is talking about personal injury lawyers, you need to include that keyword in the H1 headline as well.

Now, you can also play around with it and make the headline interesting. For example, something like: “Are you looking for a personal injury lawyer in Sydney?” is on topic, contains the keywords but it’s also more interesting that just saying “Personal Injury Lawyer Sydney”.

The point being, you want to make it interesting, and make it stand out from everyone else’s.

How to Get Ideas For Your H1 Headline

One thing you can do is go and take a look at what all the competition is doing. Go to page one on Google, open up all the results, have a look at what they wrote in their headlines to get some ideas.

Take what you find and improve on it, and you’ll have a headline that’s both going to rank as well as stand out from the competition.

Website Tips

10 Plugins I Use on Every WordPress Website

In this post I’m going to tell you about 10 plugins I use on every WordPress website and why I use each one.

Let’s get right into it.

1. Classic Editor

I don’t like the Gutenberg editor that comes with the current versions of WordPress, therefore I always install the Classic Editor plugin so that don’t have to deal with it.

I personally really like the Classic Editor for posting blogs, it just makes life a whole lot easier. Plus, there’s a reason why its the number one installed plugin for WordPress.

2. Elementor 

Before Elementor I hated page builders. I thought they were rubbish, and I liked doing everything in code.

However, Elementor does a really good job. It’s a super easy to use page builder that actually does what you want.

I’ve been using it ever since I first tried it. It makes your life a whole lot easier.

If you need a page builder for your WordPress website – Get Elementor.

3. Elementor Headers & Footers 

If you’re working on a budget and don’t want to pay for Elementor Pro, you’ll soon find you can’t edit the headers and footers.
However, you can get Elementor Headers & Footers and that will allow you to adjust the headers and footers using Elementor but without having to pay for the Pro version.

It’s basically exactly the same thing except it gives you the option to make and set headers and footers, which you can set for specific pages, posts, whatever you need – It’s all there.

Overall a really good plugin.

4. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO makes it easy to do most of your onsite SEO such as meta titles and descriptions.

I personally like Yoast SEO, I’ve been using it for a long time and it just does the job really well. It’s also really easy to use so you probably won’t even need to read a tutorial.

5. Contact Form 7

I’ve been using Contact Form 7 for quite some time and I like the fact that it’s mostly code so you can just edit what you need.

However if you’re not that savvy with code, you can go with “WP Forms”. WP Forms is another really good option that is very user friendly and you don’t need as much knowledge of the code itself like you do with Contact Form 7.

I like the customizability of Contact Form 7, which is why I use it.

6. Redirection For Contact Form 7 

Basically what this plugin allows you to do is you can redirect the form after someone has filled it out to a page or URL. For example, you can redirect it to a thank you page, which then allows you to track this page so you’d know how many people have submitted the form (in Google Analytics, for example).

It’s a really good plugin, very easy to use, and it integrates right into Contact Form 7 so you can do everything within the Contact Form 7 interface.

7. Duplicate Page 

WordPress doesn’t have the option of duplicate pages in their system. For example, you have one page you want to duplicate and use as template and just change the content? You can’t do it without using a plugin.

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily duplicate pages, posts, practically everything within WordPress. It’s simple and it works well.

8. Redirection 

This plugin allows you to take care of redirects on your website very easily. For example, if you’ve changed the URL of the page, you can easily set the old URL to redirect to the new one.

It even has the option to track and do them automatically, so if you’ve changed URL’s in WordPress, it will automatically redirect them to the new one.

9. WP Analytics Events 

This one allows you to easily track almost anything on your website, such as button clicks, by setting CSS classes or IDs.

You don’t have to do a lot of coding, all you have to do is set the parameters for what you want to track in that plugin and then you just put the class or ID in the button, or thing you want to track. It will then trigger the event in Analytics every time someone clicks it.

This will then allow you to track that Event as a Goal, and that’s how you can track conversions through Analytics for things like button presses – If somebody presses a phone number or an email, things like that.

10. WP Headers & Footers 

This plugin allows you to put code in the header or the footer of your whole website very easily. For example if you need to add tracking code such as for Google analytics or Google Tag Manager, this will allow you to do it quickly and easily. It gives you a box, you paste your code in, and its done.

These 10 plugins are the plugins that I use most often on every website I build. They will let you do most of the basics that you’ll need in order to build a fully functioning website.


How to Write SEO Content That Will Outrank and Outperform Your Competitors

Writing good quality content can be really difficult for some people, especially if they’re not natural born writers, or simply have a hard time writing and it just not their thing.

However, for SEO, and for marketing in general, even if you’re running paid traffic, you need to have good quality content to actually be able to:

1. Rank The Website
2. Sell The Product or Service

This all really relies on having a good, well written “sales page” that people land on, so that they’ll read the content, and actually want to contact the business.

The real question is – How do you actually do this?

One trick of the trade that you can use to see what you need to do, is simply take a look at what the competition is doing.

That’s right. Go on Google and search the keyword you want your website to show up in the results for.

Now, have a look at the competition, open all of the websites and have a good look at their pages – how many sections they have, what are they talking about, how many headlines they have, what do the headlines say, how many words are in it (paste the content in a word counter and check how many words there are), how many images they have and so on.

You want to take note of all these things, and you want to out-do them on all of them.

Bear in mind that your writing has to be coherent, people need to read it, and it needs to be easy to read, and it needs to tell people what they want to know.

If someone is searching for a lawyer, you want to tell them why you are the best lawyer there is, (or your client, if you’re working for somebody else).

Your writing needs to be longer, you need to have more words if you want to be sure that you’re going to outrank them. Your headlines need to be formatted correctly, so mind the H1 headline. It needs to be good, it needs to be interesting so that the people will want to keep reading the rest of the page, but it also needs to contain the keywords that you want to rank for.

Same goes for H2 headlines, they should be supportive subheadings throughout the text which should have the keywords as well.

But the keywords need to be naturally in there, you don’t just stuff them in there as Google doesn’t like that, and it’s not going to read well.

The main thing you should prioritize is reading well above all else – If it doesn’t read well, people are probably just going to leave the website and you’ll lose conversions.

However, aside from that, you need to pay attention to topping the competition.

As mentioned earlier, your content needs to be longer, it needs to have at least as many headlines and sub headlines, you need to go more in depth than what they did. Also put updated information that’s newer than what they have. Get more pictures than they have. If they have one or two, you should put two or three pictures. Top them as much as you can.

If you do that with every single page of your website, every single blog post, eventually, you’re going to have the best content compared to everybody in your niche.

That’s how you get the website to rank – By being the most relevant, the most important website for that topic, with the highest quality content.

Go through your website, through every page, take a look at what your competition is doing, and make sure that you have best content out of all of them.

That’s going to make a huge difference in getting your website to rank and actually show up on page one, simple because yours is the best.


SEO: Are Backlinks Still Important In 2022?

Once upon a time, backlinks were basically the “be all end all” of SEO. You wanted a website to rank, you blasted a bunch of backlinks all over the web and that was it.

However, Google quickly put an end to that, as they realized that people were taking advantage of it. So backlinks were essentially de-valued in regards to how big of a part they play in Search Engine Optimization.

Now, the real question is – Are they still relevant for SEO in 2022?

Sort of.

It depends how you want to go about doing the SEO.

I say sort of because these days you can make a website rank without backlinks at all. Especially if you’re in a niche that is not as competitive, you can get a website to rank by writing really good content, good blog articles that you post regularly, good internal linking, and over time you’ll get the website to rank.

As a side note, you’ll get some backlinks occurring naturally, from social media and similar.

Now, backlinks certainly do work, and definitely can help you get your website to rank – as long as you make backlinks on quality websites that Google sees as trustworthy.

And example of this would be if you are doing local SEO, directories like Yelp or Hotfrog can be good places to list your website and make a link.

However, they should only be used as a supplementary to your main SEO strategy. You shouldn’t rely on backlinks alone,. While some backlinks can make a big difference, without quality content and a well structured website you’ll have a hard time ranking.

If you do rely mainly on backlinks and actually manage to pull it off, it’s likely that your website’s ranks will fall at one of the future Google updates – That’s the unfortunate reality of what’s happening now.

So, make sure that the website itself is very, very high quality, you’re posting high quality content and well written, regular blog articles and you’ve got the 3 pillars of SEO covered.

Then, use backlinks as a booster to help Google index the website faster, and get it to rank faster.

One thing to note, bad backlinks can have a catastrophic effect on your SEO. Even good links can go bad, and can tank your site, which you may never be able to recover from. So keep this in mind when making backlinks.


SEO: The 3 Most Important Things On Your Website

When it comes to SEO, there are three main things that Google looks at. Sure, everything on your website is important, but these three will make the biggest difference to your law firm SEO and where your website is going to rank.

1. H1 Headline

The H1 Headline is extremely important as it’s the text that Google considers the most important on the whole page.

It’s the highest priority and google looks at what the H1 headline says and what keywords are in it in order to figure out what the webpage is really about, and then Google ranks it accordingly.

Every page needs to have a unique H1 headline, don’t have the same H1 headline across multiple pages. This will hurt your SEO.

You need to make sure that the H1 headline contains all the keywords that you want that page to rank for, as well as to convince the person to keep reading.

Another thing with H1 headline that you need to remember is that real people actually read it, meaning it needs to be readable and actually says something useful so that the people want to keep reading the rest of the page.

It’s a bit of a balancing act.

Keep that in mind when you’re writing it – You don’t want it sound like keyword “stuffing” because google knows that as well. Their algorithm is very smart and can recognize if you’re just stuffing keywords there, so it won’t work just like that.

Keep all that in mind when you’re doing the H1 headline, and pay close attention to it because it is crucial.

2. URL

SEOs used to stuff a whole bunch of keywords in the URL to try and make it as relevant for as many words as possible, but Google has since put a stop to that. That means now, Google actually prefers a shorter URL.

Yes, while it contains less keywords, a shorter URL looks nicer and will actually perform better in the search results.

SEO experts have actually compared shorter URLs vs longer URLs that had more keywords and concluded that the shorter URLs tend to work better for SEO, despite the fact that they have less keywords.

When writing your URL, pick the keyword that you think is the most important and use that as the URL.

3. Meta Titles

Also known as the page title, this is the title that shows up in the tab when you open the website and it’s also the headline that shows up on Google.

If you go and do a Google search, you’ll see the big blue text at the top of each search result – That’s the “Meta Title”.

With this title, you usually get around 60 characters, sometimes its a bit more, sometimes less. But you need to make sure to keep it around the 60 character limit.

If create too long of a title, you’ll end up with ellipses and the end of it will be cut off. This will make everything after the cut off irrelevant, and it won’t look as good in the search results.

When writing meta titles, one trick you can use is if you try to rank the page for two keywords that are very, very similar, you can put one of those keywords in H1 headline, and the other in the page title.

For example, if you are trying to rank for “Property Lawyer” and “Property Solicitor”, you could have Property Lawyer in the H1 Headline and Property Solicitor in the meta title.

The use of alternating keywords can use that to make the page relevant for both of the keywords as long as they are both about the same topic.

But again, keep in mind it needs to look real and be readable. Don’t just stuff a bunch of keywords in there. You still need to convince real people to click on it in the search results.


These 3 things are going to make a big difference to your SEO. So if you optimize those 3 things on every single page of the website, including the home page, you’re going to have a much easier time ranking the website.

If you don’t optimize these 3 things, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get your website to rank. That’s why I refer to them as “the 3 pillars of SEO”.

SEO Website Tips

404s: Why You Need to Be Careful Of Broken Links and How to Fix Them On Your Website Using Redirects

Google hates them. Users get annoyed by them. They cause serious issues with your SEO.

Yes, 404s are a major problem and you need to make sure that they are nowhere near your website.

What Are 404s?

A 404 error occurs when someone tries to access a link that doesn’t exist on your website. Most commonly this is because a page used to be there, but was removed.

However, they can also come up if someone is just typing in random URLs, in which case a 404 is appropriate.

When you land on a 404, you typically get take to a page that looks something like this:

What a 404 Page Looks Like

So What’s the Big Issue With 404s?

The issue with 404s is primarily that they create a bad user experience. People are expecting to find the answer to their query, and instead they get hit with a blank page saying “sorry, what you want isn’t here”. Nobody likes to hear that.

As a result, Google doesn’t like 404s and will quickly remove them from the search results so that users don’t click on them.

The issue with that is if you had a page that was ranking on Google that became a 404 for whatever reason, Google will remove it and you now lost that ranking position.

It’s also going to be much harder to get that back.

Google also doesn’t like if links within your website lead to 404s, even if they don’t rank, because, again, it creates a bad user experience. So they will generally penalise you for having them.

So Do You Know If You Have 404s?

If you have Google Search Console set up, there is a report that will show you a list of all 404s on your website. If you click “Coverage” in the menu on the left, and scroll down, you’ll see 404s, which you can click on to get a list:

How to see 404s in Google Search Console

So How Do You Solve 404s?

You need to redirect any link that is no longer active to a page on your website that is.

So let’s say for example you had and you took down that page for whatever reason.

You will want to take that link and redirect it to the most relevant page that still exists. If there isn’t a specifically relevant page, send it to the home page.

You do this by creating a 301 redirect. I’m going to show you two ways you can do that here, one with a WordPress plugin, and manually within Cpanel.

Redirecting a 404 With a WordPress Plugin

If you are using WordPress and you are not confident editing your website’s files, using a redirection plugin is the easiest way to get the job done.

First you will need to install a plugin that will implement the redirects.

So log into admin and go to Plugins > Add New:

How to install a plugin in WordPress

I like to use this one, which you can find by searching “Redirection” in the search bar:

Redirection Plugin for WordPress

Hit Install Now:

Insstalling Redirection Plugin

When it’s finished installing, press Activate:

Activating Redirection plugin in WordPress

And now we can go into the plugin to add the redirects by going to Tools > Redirection:

How to Use Redirection Plugin for WordPress

Now you’ll need to let the plugin run through its setup so just click Start Setup:

Setting up Redirection plugin in WordPress

In the next step, I like to select “Monitor permalink changes” so that if I change a URL, the redirect will automatically be done for me. Then hit Continue:

Setting up Redirection plugin in WordPress

On the next step, it’s generally a good idea to hit yes to import old redirects, so go with that:

Setting up Redirection plugin in WordPress

Now it will finish its setup, and when you get the Good icon, click Finish Setup:

Setting up Redirection plugin in WordPress

It will now finish the setup, and when done just hit Continue:

Setting up Redirection plugin in WordPress

And now you’ll be able to set up your redirections. You should now see the main screen of the plugin (as in the image below). Scroll down to “Add new redirection” and here you will be able to add your new redirection:

Adding new redirections in WordPress

In the “Source URL” field, add your old URL (the one that brings you to a 404 page). Let’s use “” from before as an example. You only add the page URL, not the main URL – so in this instance remove “” and just put “/sample-page”:

Adding new redirections in WordPressNext, add the page you want that link to go to in Target URL. If you want it to go to the home page, just put a “/”, like below:

Adding new redirections in WordPress

Now hit Add Redirect, and that’s it. Your redirect will now be applied and you’ll see it pop up in the list above:Adding new redirections in WordPress

So now if you were to go to, it would take you to your home page. Test it out on your website to make sure that it works.

Redirecting a 404 With the Htaccess File in Cpanel

You can also redirect 404s directly in the htaccess file of your website.

NOTE: Be aware that if you are doing this, you need to have at least a basic understanding of how to use Cpanel and edit website files, because if you make a mistake you may break your website.

To do this, you need to need to log into Cpanel for your website, which is usually at

Logging into Cpanel

Once inside, go to file manager:

File Manager in Cpanel

And once inside File Manager click on the “public_html” folder:

Selecting Public_html folder inside File Manager of Cpanel

Your htaccess file will be in this folder. You may have to edit your permissions to see hidden files. Click Settings in the top right, and then tick “Show Hidden Files (Dotfiles)”:

Editing view permissions inside File Manager of Cpanel

Now you will be able to see it in the list. Find the .htaccess file, and right click on it and press “edit”:

Finding the htaccess file in File Manager of Cpanel

You’ll get this pop up, click Edit:

Editing htaccess file in Cpanel

And now you will be able to edit the htaccess file. You will see some code in the file, make sure to leave that all alone. All you have to do is go to the bottom of the file, below all the code, add your redirect in the following format:

Redirect301 /old-url /new-url

So from our example above, we would put:

Redirect301 /sample-page /

Remember the home page is just a “/”.

Here’s what it would look like in the file:

Adding redirections to htaccess file

If you need to add more than one, you would just put the new one on the next line:

Adding multiple redirections to htaccess file

When you’ve added all your redirections, hit Save Changes:

Saving htaccess file after making changes

That’s it. Now just test the link to make sure it is properly redirecting to the new page. If it is, job done.